Chayote spaguetti neapolitan
- 4 Large Chayotes
- 2 tsps. of olive oil
- 3 tsps. of garlic
- 3 tsps. of chopped onions
- 10 units of cherry tomatoes
- 1/3 Cup of chopped tomatoes
- 1/3 Cup of white wine
- 1/3 Cup of water
- 10 basil leaves
- 2 tsps. of oregano
- 2 tbsp. of butter
- Salt and Pepper
- Parmesan Cheese to taste
With the help of a vegetable peeler, chop the chayote in julienne strips (as long and thin as possible).
Bring a pot of water to boil, add salt to taste and put the chayote. Continue cooking for 5 more minutes and then put aside.
Heat the olive oil in a skillet, along with the garlic and onions and stir until golden. Add the chopped tomatoes, the white wine and mix well. Then let it stand for 2 minutes over medium-heat. Add the water, the oregano and salt and pepper to taste. Let it stand for 3 more minutes over medium-heat and add butter and the cherry tomatoes.
Place the chayote in a plate and pour the sauce evenly over them, use the chopped basil leaves for decoration along with the parmesan cheese.